Odds between 1 in 20,000 to 100,000

I am becoming a fan of the unexpected, recognizing that usually it holds miracles. Even the unpredicted that I may not like or appreciate at the time. A tiny voice in my mind has learned to whisper, “Maybe God has a reason for this.”

Let me give you the latest episode to illustrate. I was dressed and ready to head out the door to a neighborhood gathering. One last stop, jewelry. Since walking the El Camino in Spain I have worn a bracelet that carries great significance to me. It has the emblem of The Knights Templar, a powerful Catholic military order that furiously guarded that holy pilgrimage trail for one hundred years. Their mission was to protect the pilgrims who walked as they sought union with God. Their motto, “Not to us, Lord, not to us. But to Thy name give the glory.” Everything that I attempt has that same mission. Glorify God.

But that day I could not seem to get my bracelet on. I turned it upside down, round and back, struggling like a person who had never seen it before. That’s when the tiny voice reminded me, God is in the details. Keep struggling. I did.

Finally, it was on. And I realized how crazy it was that it had taken so much time. So, I headed for the door and would pick up my phone on the way. Not. My phone was nowhere to be found. I pinged it from my iWatch. Nope. I hunted and searched and realized that something far bigger was a foot. I was frustrated but I also knew that God was slowing me down. On purpose.

I found the phone and it was still in my hand as I walked out the door. Before I could shut the heavy door behind me I saw the reason. An albino deer in our yard.
Deer are no surprise. We have a herd of nine that we see daily. But never have I seen an albino deer. Phone already in hand, I began taking pictures. As the deer ran through neighboring yards, I got in my car and followed this beautiful, magical creature for perhaps five minutes. Many albino beings are blind or sight impaired. It was alone, dashing in front of cars and running as a blind deer might. My awe never diminished. I felt God was watching it too. If I were seeing a unicorn, it could not have thrilled me more.

I felt so blessed knowing that God wanted me to see this incredible creature and painstakingly slowed me down to just the right moment so that I would. with my camera in my hand. All because He loves me so completely and beautifully. He watches my every step.

While I contemplated writing this blog, I wondered what else I might include. When I met with my poetry critique group, they encouraged me about a poem. As I was writing it, I marveled that it seemed to flow out of me effortlessly. I knew that to be a miracle.

The impetus for the poem is a theme I’ve meditated on frequently this year. I know that like Esther, I am born for such a time as this. I was not born in the time of Jesus in flesh, I could not be a disciple in that regard. I’m grateful I was not born before Jesus in the time of so many rules when it seemed that loving God was filled with trip wires that would make me feel shamed and unable to feel God’s presence. Instead, I was born in my now. I am blessed by grace and mercy, confession, contrition and a strong desire to feel the presence of God and please Him.
To honor the spirit of miracles and the miracle of Christmas. I include it here.

God Had a Plan
by Deborah Maxey

The world did not know love,
Only fear of wrath.
So many rules and stumbling blocks.
A sure uncertain path.

Fastidiously we washed to cleanse,
Tassels tied and heads adorned.
Hungry yet we dare not eat
Foods we thought that God had scorned.

“Not on Sabbath,” we’d proclaim
No cause so great that we’d relent.
Our fellow man we would not help.
Sunday had not God’s consent.

Ages past, so many rules.
Our human nature, stained by sin,
No way could we avoid God’s wrath
Our weakness seemed to always win.

Our view of God had spun off course.
Were we created just to squirm?
Unlike the angels He so loved
We felt much lower than the worm.

We struggled on, for there were some
That had His blessings, why not all?
Perhaps His favor fell on them
But we had not received that call.

And so, we drifted off afar.
Nothing brought us closer in.
God, the harsh taskmaster, He
Would persecute us for our sin.

But our Creator, had a plan
Knowing, frightened we would drift.
With humble entry, never guessed,
He sent His love, most priceless gift.

To us, His precious only child
Carried by a virgin girl
Would lay on straw midst low estate.
This King would bring love to the world.

We had no merit, could not ask
Our God to save us from our wrongs.
But He sent Jesus, God in skin
To light a path where we belong.

Jesus rocked the temple walls
Proclaiming mercy from our Maker,
“His love’s profound and for us all
Just to believe, you are partaker.”

Teaching He is grace and mercy,
Jesus introduced His Father,
A God of love who all along
Planned salvation. Eternity’s author.

Sweet baby Jesus, oh so lowly
Whom angels watched, awaiting birth
You brought us all salvation’s story
Teaching us that we have worth.

The Conversation

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    The Conversation

  1. Renee Bachtell says:

    Hello Deborah, you probably do not remember me but my name is Renee. You and I connected on Facebook 8 years ago, since then I’ve deleted my page. You reached out to me because some how you found out my sweet 6 year old son named Jamison left for heaven unexpectedly. December 11, was his 8 year anniversary. I just wanted you to know our chats helped me with so many struggles then and they still do to this day. I have never forgotten how wonderful you were to me, just some stranger you didn’t know, but knew I needed a friend. I will always be thankful for you. You are an angel on earth! With love Jamison‘s mommy. If you have time I should love to hear how you are doing and what you have been doing.

    • Deborah Maxey says:

      Thank you Renee, I can NEVER forget you, or Jamison. We will connect in heaven. Every time I see a bench for children I think of him and all the loving ways you and his father worked to make sure good things came of his passing. And I do not forget that during Christmas prep you lost that beautiful child, certain objects always bring me to memories and I pray for you. But oh, the best of all, the hundreds of pictures of your son living a joyous and adventure filled life, packed to the brim. God has blessed me with a writing journey that only He can see the future in but I am blessed by it daily. I would love to hear from you anytime drdeborahmaxey@gmail.com. And I would love to hear how Jamison’s incredible mother is doing! If you write, please send a favorite photo. I remember his smile as if it were posted yesterday. Thank you for writing and reaching out! Have a blessed and loving Christmas filled with mercy, grace and joy.

  2. DiAnn Mills says:

    Beautiful, Deborah, God is in the miracle business. All we need do is experience His love and mercy.

    • Deborah Maxey says:

      And we are so blessed indeed when we raise our heads above the worrisome and mundane to see those miracles of love and mercy!

  3. Deborah says:

    I am trying to listen more as I tend to not even try for fear of disappointment. Often times, when I do hear it is to stop doing something I am working on trying to get done. Every time, due to my stubbornness to finish, I wind up regretting my choice as I ruin or almost ruin something or make it harder for someone else to correct. I have two super powers, procrastination & stubbornness! I seem to run rampant with either one or both, & both always leads to a disaster of some kind, either minor or not so minor. You would think after so many opportunities, I would learn to stop. Hope reigns eternal, so at least I now stop & remind myself I will regret this if I try to press forward in my task at hand. LOL 😝😛

    I can relate to having your phone number your hand. I often have done that or searched for my keys only to finally realize the darn things are hanging around my neck!

    My tasks for next year, or challenge, is to try to pay attention & listen more, look more, & be more alter to my surroundings to see or hear God’s messages, miracles, and treats in life. I have a bad habit of not looking nor down, adjust move form one point to another & not really pay attention.

    Blessings to all in Christ, as every day belongs to him & just get to use the time he gives us.

    • Deborah Maxey says:

      I truly believe God loves us probably more in our struggles. Because we admire those that struggle to succeed. God bless with you with your goals. I love how you say, every day belongs to Him and we get to use the time he gives us.

  4. Kathy CArson says:

    Thank You.
    Kathy Carson kathycarson24@gmail.com

  5. Tyger says:

    So very lovely. Thank you for sharing.