God in the patterns

Nature teaches us that God loves and uses patterns. We all admire the pattern of seeds in a sunflower or the spiral of seeds in pine cones or some flowers. The Fibonacci sequence is an oft repeated, God created, pattern. Close to that is the Golden Ratio, the sequence of branches on trees, the curl and beauty of seashells. Fractals are patterns that look similar but vary, like snowflakes.

Galaxies, flower seeds and many other wonders show us God’s use of his logarithmic pattern, where the spiral gets wider as it moves outward. Our bodies show us Bilateral symmetry, we have ears, eyes and appendages that mirror each other along a divided plane.
And that is only to name a few.

God also shows us patterns to catch our intellect and show us miracles.

Two pattern miracles that have delighted me in the last weeks are worth sharing. I hope this helps to set a precedent for the way I see this.

At the church free literature stand, I picked up a small book with a beautiful cover. I’m visual, the picture attracted me. A placed it by my favorite chair and quickly other books were placed on top. Remembering it a few days later, I dug it out. I opened it, could not seem to engage with it. I immediately thought, “I’ll take this back Sunday.”
Before Sunday came, I opened it again, thinking I would give it another try but met with the same decision. It felt like reading Greek. I determined to take it back.
Sunday came and it wasn’t until I saw the stand I had taken it from that I realized I had forgotten it.

I forgot the second week too.

Knowing that God is in details, I knew there was a pattern I was not seeing; I thought it might mean I needed to give it another try.

I did.

I failed. It held no attraction. “I’ll take it Sunday. Someone else might like it.”

Three times I forgot.

In between first picking it up and yesterday, I read and studied many other things. Then I picked it up again, realizing God could have a reason, because I seldom forget returning things. I picked it up again. and was astounded at the truths that were verified in what I previously read in other books. It was as though the new truths were lighting up and lifting off the page. Insights were so fast and furious I was astounded at how often I had to stop and marvel at the idea that with Divine perfection, the miraculous timing of reading the book, after reading other things, and using my distraction to forget it, His pattern of omnipotence (unlimited power) and omnipresence (constant encounter) in my life allowed that pattern to manifest.
Another miracle pattern emerged. I wrestled with a spiritual question for years. I prayed for understanding consistently. Overtime I came to think the answer was a mystery of faith. “Accept. It’s not mine to question.”

On Sunday the reading from the Gospel addressed the topic. With the clarity of a lightning bolt, I got the answer from the same passage I’ve read and heard many times. I was awestruck.
When I got home, I opened my Bible to read that passage again and marvel at the miracle of my question answered. I smiled at the question marks I had placed by the text and then underlined in another color at another time.

I picked up another book later in the day and there was the answer I had divined in church. I know God wanted the Holy Counselor to give me that knowledge. That it came from Him, through Him, to me. Later that day, watching a YouTube video a friend sent me, there it was again. If I didn’t have foreknowledge, I may have missed that reference entirely. If I got the answer from a book or a video, I might have given credit to the human creators for facilitating insight for me. But clear as a loud gong, I heard the answer coming from within at church. There was no way I could deny that “Eureka” moment as anything but a miracle. And the miraculous pattern that emerged.

Miracles heal the sick and bring about a huge, delightful change. But God speaking to me for understanding brings healing too, acceptance, peace, joy and best of all, increased faith.

I do not know a word for these miraculous patterns. But I know the joy in my heart and increased faith when I recognize them.
If you experience miracles in patterns, please write them in the comments. I love reading how other people have had the same gifting. Maybe we can forge a word for them.

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    The Conversation

  1. Jeff Ostrander says:

    Very good, Deborah. Keep on!

    • Deborah Maxey says:

      Thank you Jeff. I love that we are still connected and I’m always grateful for you supportive and encouraging comments.

  2. Deborah says:

    Absolutely true and beautifully articulated! I found the pattern of being shown to change my approach to reading scripture as imy way was just was not helping me. I was going after quantity instead of quality of time. I started using the Lectio Davina approach and journaling and find that I am getting insights where I have always thought I never got any insight. I was due to my approach was not what I needed. I have “heard” many small whispers to change to this approach but chose to ignore the whispers. I do not spend as much time as suggested in this approach, but it is progress not perfection that too is important in my path. Each prayer before my reading is to ask the Holy Spirit to slow me down to spend the amount of time God wants me to spend and not to be in such a rush to get to my next to do thing in my list for todays work. I always seem to be too soon old and too late smart but what is most important is for me to see the pattern and the discipline of turning my will over day by day and moment by moment. Patterns are very important as I see God frequently bringing up these things to me as I keep trying to give my will over to his will. God has honored my requests despite my repeated failure to do as I pray. The fact that I keep praying and trying is the pattern he sees and honors. He is such a gentleman that God will not force his will on me but gently lead me beside the still waters until I slow down to drink from his life giving spring.

    • Deborah Maxey says:

      What a wonderful Grace that you connect the dots and find the Lectio Davina approach a tie that binds you to these miracles!!!

  3. Tyger Gordon says:

    As I read this, I felt a beautiful connection with These patterns with timing. God’s timing. Almost as if the patterns have a beautiful rhythm; like keeping time with music and a song is revealed. Thank you for sharing.

    • Deborah Maxey says:

      I am so glad you share these connections too. We are so blessed because yes, I too feel almost like it’s heavenly music. Often I’ve had a hymn tie up the loose ends and complete the cyle.