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    Category: General

  • When Little Things Are Not Little

    Psalm 139:3-4 (ISV) 3 You scrutinize my life and my rest;[a] you are familiar with all of my ways. 4 Even before I have formed a word with my tongue, you, Lord, know it completely!     I’m a huge fan of the Bible. You might find me with the pages open and…

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  • One With God

    Years ago, Mack (my hubby) and I went camping at Hungry Mother State Park. Oh, my goodness, the Appalachian Mountains there are so wonderfully high, and we were both in hiking heaven. So were our dogs. We’ve developed a family hiking system. Our small dogs act like contenders for the…

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  • Miraculous Timing

        Don’t you just love it when you have a fool proof case for something? Well, I have proof God orders our steps. I love mysteries, puzzles, solving riddles, and scavenger hunts. And God designs scavenger hunts for me. First, He gives me a desire. That is my Start…

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  • Available for Preorder!

    The Endling will be released May 11, 2021. You can preorder through Amazon!   The Endling: Deborah Maxey: 9781645262640: Books You can read about  it there, or click under the "Books" tab at the top of my banner. Merry Christmas everyone!  Let's make 2021 the greatest year yet!

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  • December Blog: A Christmas Short Story

    Deep Christmas Pockets  by Deborah McCormick Maxey   Maw turned from the kitchen table where her hands and forearms had been buried in a wooden bowl, kneading bread. With a floured white finger she pointed to a tin Clabber Girl can on the shelf over the stove. “Fetch a dollar…

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  • In the Middle of Chaos

      1 John 4:18-19 (NIV) 18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 19 We love because he first loved us.   There are two basic emotions, love, and fear-the…

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  • Clusters of Blessings

    Do you have a written list of miracles? Not the ones you’ve been told, but the ones where you know without a doubt that something miraculous occurred for you. Something beyond your ability to reason away. And why do we even try to reason miracles away? There’s an adage, whatever…

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  • A Touching Dance

    Speak Lord for your servant is listening.” 1 Samuel 3:10 (NIV) I want to hear Him. It is the deepest desire of my heart. Sadly, I wonder how often He calls me and I’m oblivious. I’ve learned that my expectations of how He speaks are too narrow. Sometimes I’m sure…

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  • A Blinking Code

      Breathless! When I see a dark sky littered with brilliant stars, that is what happens to me.  I am in awe of the Milky Way, a truly dazzling phenomenon.  God was so generous when He sprinkled those twinkling miracles high in the heavens, scattering flickering illumination in pulsing patterns…

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  • Beginner…again

    Here we are in a time that no other generation has ever seen. Total lock down where I live, Virginia. So surely this is the right time to start a new indoor project. Right? What sparks you to begin something? Take on a challenge? Sign yourself up to be tested?…

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